China is main buyer of Angolan products

07-10-2014 18:01

China remained as Angola’s main export destination in the first half of 2014, according to figures published Monday in Luanda by the National Customs Service, cited by state newspaper Jornal de Angola.

The figures showed that in the first six month of the year China bought goods from Angola worth over 1 trillion kwanza, accounting for over 50 percent of Angola’s exports, followed in order of value by the United States (12.1 percent), India (6.8 percent), Taiwan (3.7 percent) and Portugal with 3 percent.

In the period Angola’s exports fell year on year by 37.7 percent to 2.137 trillion kwanza (US$21.706 billion).

The figures showed the customs value of the five main commodities exported – crude oils or bituminous minerals, diamonds, unprocessed or sawn wood, natural gas, light oils, and preparations for chemical transformation and diesel – stood at 2.082 trillion kwanza, which accounted for 97.4 percent of total exports.

In the same six-month period Angola imported goods worth 1.4 trillion kwanza (US$14 .22 billion), which was an annual rise of 17.3 percent.

The main imported goods were diesel, fuel for airplanes, pipes for oil and gas wells, aeroplanes and other aircraft.

The list of the main countries of origin of goods imported by Angola continued to be led by Portugal, with 15.7 percent, followed by China (11.7 percent), Singapore (11 percent), United States (7.7 percent) and the Netherlands (5.6 percent).
