

Angolan agency fines abandoned investment projects

30 Jul 2015

Angola’s National Agency for Private Investment (ANIP) this year raised US$600 million in fines to companies that have signed investment contracts but never carried out the projects.

Source: Macauhub -


Protuguese company chooses Angola as location to build a factory

28 Jul 2015

Portuguese company Mendes Gonçalves has chosen Angola to begin its internationalisation process and has invested 3 million euros in the Viana industrial area. 

Source: Macauhub -


FILDA 2015 ends with estimated business volume of USD 11 million

27 Jul 2015

Luanda: A business volume estimated at 11 million US dollars comes as a result of five days of business contacts amongst decision makers, suppliers, managers and funders. 

Source: Angop -,81276a87-c372-408d-b626-21e9bc680dae.html


FILDA 2015: New public procurement laws to improve business evironment

24 Jul 2015

Luanda: a process of revision and creation of laws to improve the business environment is underway in the country, with the involvement of the National Public Procurement Service (SNCP). 

Source: Angop -,32d9d75f-8329-44a9-9d27-e81947da2d7b.html


Parliament approves Private Investment Law in Angola 

23 Jul 2015

The Private Investment Law, which aims to adapt the system of tax benefits to the current economic dynamics of Angola, was approved Wednesday in Luanda by the Angolan Parliament. 

Source: Macuhub -


32nd edition of Luanda International Trade Fair kicks off tuesday

21 Jul 2015

The 32nd edition of Luanda International Trade Fair (Filda 2015) is stranting this tuesday, with the participation of 40 countries, an event that is taking place on 21-26 July in the capital of the country (Luanda). 

Source: Angop -,8f24d5d2-9656-4c14-a545-ddf3fdd6175b.html


Cuanza Norte: Golungo Alto produces over 12.000 cubic meters of timber

17 Jul 2015 

At lest 12.250 cubic meters of assorted timber were produced in Golungo Alto municipality, northern Cuanza Norte province in 2014. 

Source: Angop -,ef75c0c7-f18b-470d-803e-6c60f889868b.html


Inflation target for 2015 in Angola compromised

16 Jul 2015

The Angola government's inflation target, of less than 9 percent, is hampered by the crisis affecting the country, according to an economic report on the second quarter by Banco Angolano de Investimento (BAI). 

Source: Macauhub - Source: Angop


Sonangol reaffirms stability of its activities 

16 Jul 2015

Luanda: The Angolan National Oil Company (Sonangol) remains a stable and operationally strong company - reaffirmed the chairman of its Board of Directors, Francisco de Lemos José Maria. 

Source: Angop -,48c7958c-56ff-4cc7-ba70-09141f47de34.html


Angola has economic viability - Finance minister

04 Mar 2015

Luanda: Finance minister Armando Manuel last Tuesday considered Angola's level of debt moderate, estimated at 45% of the GDP, adding that the country does have economic viability. 

Source: Angop -,0b918f36-f1b0-48ea-a3ad-1cf909b41185.html


Oil exports to China are "cushion" for drop in Angola's revenue.

26 Jan 2015 

Angola needs, due to fall in oil revenue, to recalculate its public accounts. 

Source: Macauhub -


Angola vai rever Orçamento do Estado para 2015

13 Jan 2015 

A reunião do MPLA determinou a elaboração de um estudo para adoção de um pacote com medidas urgentes destinadas a minimizar efeitos da crise. 

Source: África 21 -


Chinese company builds combined cycle plant in Soyo

9 Jan 2015

The China Machinery Engineering Corporation (CMEC) will begin construction of a power plant in Soyo after receiving the first instalment of US$147.7 million from the Strategic Financial Oil Reserve for Basic Infrastructure, according to a presidential order. A reunião do MPLA determinou a elaboração de um estudo para adoção de um pacote com medidas urgentes destinadas a minimizar efeitos da crise.

Source: Macauhub -


Cuanza Norte: Entrepreneurs invited to participated in Mucosso Perimeter management 

8 Jan 2015

Dondo - The Angolan minister of Agriculture Afonso Pedro Canga Wednesday in northern Cuanza Norte province appealed to national entrepreneurs to join the management of the Mucosso Irrigated Perimeter.

Source: Angop -,eae123a2-0796-4b2f-ae81-674436bb227b.html


INE releases report on Angola's international trade

6 Jan 2015

Angola's National Institute of Statistics (INE, in Portuguese) has released a report on the country's international trade regarding the 3rd trimester of 2014. China, Portugal, Spain, USA and others are reported as main trade partners of Angola.

Source: INE -


Angola expected to return to budget surpluses only in the medium term

5 Jan 2015

The implementation of Angola’s state budget for 2015 presents some uncertainty due to a drop in oil prices, according to Eaglestone Securities, which expects the country to return to budget surpluses only in the medium term. 

Source: Macauhub -


Institute focuses on drafting rural arrangement plan

31 Dec 2014

Luanda - The National Institute for Territory Arrangement and urban Development (INOTU) as of 2015 will focus on drafting rural arrangement plans with a view to bringing about a balance between the urban areas and the quality of life in these zones.

Source: Angop-,8960d260-86f6-4655-b47f-21c139bcf3e6.html


USD 9 million Offshore Crude Oil Unloading unit inaugurated

05 Dec 2014 

Luanda - A floating facility designed to store, produce and unload the crude oil on (FPSO CLOV) in Angolan offshore Block 17 was inaugurated Thursday in Luanda.

Source: Angop -,f2c720ec-8afb-4a78-8fac-1eb1f95290b1.html


Angola Government Bond Trading Set to Begin Tomorrow After Delay

04 Dec 2014

A market for trading Angolan government debt will start tomorrow after it was pushed back a month because of technical delays.

Source: Bloomberg -


World Bank announces support for Angola’s 2015 state budget

03 Dec 2014

The World Bank is preparing a plan worth US$1 billion to support projects in Angola linked to the water resources and agriculture sectors, the World Bank’s director for Angola said Tuesday in Luanda.

Source: Macauhub -


Construction sector announces improvements in infrastructure

03 Dec 2014

Luanda - The continuation of public investments in the infrastructure sector, with stress to addressing the people's pressing concerns, are the main priorities for the Construction Ministry.

Source: Angop -,03703e48-cc3a-4d06-91d1-920f65ccbea3.html

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