China is currently the main partner of Angola's national reconstruction. The Asian country has offered Angola the largest and most competitive credit lines for financing reconstruction plans through Chinese state banks. That being said, China has a very relevant role in Angola's economy of reconstruction and its companies make themselves present in the most diverse Angolan economic sectors, from construction to agriculture. Numbers may be quite controversial depending on the sources, but it is possible to estimate that China has offered Angola around US$ 20 billion through bilateral credit lines since the end of the Angolan civil war.




Chinese companies have a huge and diversified presence in Angola, from construction to agriculture sectors. State owned Chinese enterprises have been present in different sides of Angola's reconstruction. Sinohydro, for instance, has been involved in irrigation projects and hospitals rehabilitation. Jiangsu International has been in charge of universities and government instituitons building. Besides, others companies have been present in the telecommunication sectors, as well as in roads construction.